<aside> đź“– Table of contents


Practicals structure

<aside> đź’ˇ In the practicals (KU), you apply the knowledge acquired during the lecture in practice. You can achieve points in two different categories: assignments, and homework. In the following all three tasks are described in more detail.




Points and grading in the practicals (KU)

Once you submit work for A1, A2, or A3, you will definitely receive a grade at the end of the semester. This means if you don’t submit an assignment you won’t receive a failing grade (also kein “Nicht Genügend”)

The total points are calculated as follows:

OOP1SS24 Student tasks

If you have met the minimum requirements in all assignments and have not produced any plagiarism, then the resulting grade is as follows:

Grade Punkte
Sehr Gut (1) from 87,5
Gut (2) from 75 and less than 87,5
Befriedigend (3) from 62,5 and less than 75
GenĂĽgend (4) from 50 and less than 62,5
Nicht GenĂĽgend (5) less than 50

Plagiarism (Plagiate)