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Table of contents


Practicals structure


Points and grading in the practicals (KU)

Once you register for a group, you will receive a grade. This means if you don’t register for a group, you will not be graded. If you have met the minimum requirements in all assignments and have not produced any plagiarism, then the resulting grade is as follows:

Grade Punkte
Sehr Gut (1) from 87,5
Gut (2) from 75 and less than 87,5
Befriedigend (3) from 62,5 and less than 75
Genügend (4) from 50 and less than 62,5
Nicht Genügend (5) less than 50

Plagiarism (Plagiate)

<aside> 🚨 We have a zero-tolerance policy regarding cheating. The work evaluated in this course should be your own.


If plagiarism is detected, and the source (original author) and the copier (the one who copied) can be clearly identified, the source will receive 0 points for the relevant submission. The copier will be removed from the lecture series and evaluated for attempted deception – this is significantly worse than receiving a failing grade ("Nicht Genügend").

If we are unable to determine the source of the copied code, all those involved will be assessed for attempted deception. We use specialized software to check all submissions and every semester, we discover more plagiarism cases than we would like. Please ensure that you are not one of those affected by following our first piece of advice:

"Do not copy without permission!"

By the way, it often happens that students share their code with other students, believing that the code won't be copied. Unfortunately, all too often, good faith is exploited, and the code is indeed copied. This not only results in a downgrade for the source of the code (even up to a failing grade), but it also damages collegial relationships. Therefore, we'd like to give you a second piece of advice to ensure you don't become one of the far too many plagiarism cases:

"Never share your code!”