Every week, you receive a couple of Weekly Exercises to practice the relevant topics of the current lecture. These exercises are provided on onlineGDB and you have to solve them for the practicals. Each exercise is marked with a tag ([A1], [A2], [A3] or [A4]) to indicate to which assignment it belongs.

<aside> ⚠️ It is mandatory to solve at least 50 % of the exercises provided on onlineGDB associated with each assignment. Otherwise, you receive a point deduction of -25 % on the corresponding assignment.


How to register and solve an exercise?

  1. First, you need to create an account on onlineGDB. Please follow the steps closely:

    1. Visit coding.tugraz.at/home, which displays your onlineGDB username. You must use it, otherwise we are not able to identify your results on onlineGDB.
    2. Visit onlinegdb.com/register, you need to use your preselected name during registration. However, you can choose your email address and password as you wish.

    <aside> ⚠️ If there is no username displayed on coding.tugraz.at/ranking or you cannot access this page, you most likely registered to our course very recently. We will update the usernames every few days, so just wait a bit. By October 25, you definitely should have access to your username, otherwise please contact us.

  2. Next, you need to subscribe to our course on onlineGDB via https://onlinegdb.com/classroom/invite/K4-1qLpAu. As a role pick student and select the education institution. Then you should be able to see our course: ESP WS2024.

  3. If you select our course, you will see a list of so-called assignments. These are the Weekly Exercises. Note that our (real) assignments are offered on GitLab, do not confuse them!

  4. To solve a Weekly Exercise click on it. You can find a description and an editor where you can enter your solution. Moreover, you have access to multiple options:

    1. Run compiles and executes your code.
    2. Debug compiles and executes your code in debug mode.
    3. test runs automated test cases on your program.
    4. submit hands in your solution.

    <aside> ⚠️ A Weekly Exercise is successfully solved if you pass all test cases and submit it before the deadline of the corresponding assignment.
