What is an examination before a committee?

An examination before a committee (dt. kommissionelle Prüfung) is a certain type of exam you must take when you have three negative grades in a subject. Other than at a “regular” exam, there is a committee of three people to evaluate your exam. The mode is the same as with a regular exam. That means you will write the same exam on the same dates as all the other students will do. The only difference is that there will be three examiners who evaluate the exam (so there is no such thing as an oral exam for ESP/OOP1).

The committee consists of:

  1. Person of the lecture team (”LV-Leitung”)
  2. Person of the lecture team (”LV-Leitung”)
  3. Dean of study from your program
    1. SEM: Prof. Aichernig
    2. CS: Prof. Vogtenhuber
    3. ET: Prof. Renhart
    4. ICE: Prof. Baunach

<aside> ⚠️ The study representatives (HTU) prepared some information on examinations before a committee. Have a look at this guidance.


What does the process look like?

How to prepare?